Prof. Dr. Tobias Maurer
Video und Audio
- Diagnostic performance of 18F-rhPSMA-7.3 PET in newly diagnosed unfavourable intermediate to very high-risk prostate cancer
Prof Tobias Maurer speaks about the results from the phase 3 LIGHTHOUSE study. The study found that 18F-rhPSMA-7.3 PET provides high specificity and clinically useful information regarding the presence of N1 disease prior to surgery in this specific patient population.
- Complete biochemical response below 0.1 ng/ml predicts long-term therapy-free survival via PSMA-radioguided surgery
Prof Tobias Maurer speaks about a study that evaluated if very low postoperative PSA (complete biochemical response <0.1 ng/ml) helps predict long-term oncological outcomes of salvage PSMA-RGS.The results of this study showed that complete biochemical response with a PSA below 0.1 ng/ml seems to predict long-term therapy-free survival of patients treated with salvage lymph node dissection via PSMA-radioguided surgery.
- European Urology Highlights - Diagnostic Performance and Safety of Positron Emission Tomography
Tobias Maurer talks about results of the prospective, multicenter phase 3 study (LIGHTHOUSE) starting at minute 17:20.
- EAU 2022 | Salvage treatment options for PSMA-avid lesions
Tobias Maurer comments on modern diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in the treatment of prostate cancer.
- EAU 2022 | Benefits of upfront staging with PSMA-PET in high-risk prostate cancer
Tobias Maurer discusses evidence highlighting the superiority of PSMA-PET to conventional imaging techniques and the benefits of using PSMA-PET for the upfront staging of prostate cancer in high-risk patients.
- EAU 2022 | Advances in PSMA radioligand therapy for mCRPC
Tobias Maurer talks on the use of radioligand therapy for treatment of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC).
- GU Cast: Let's Visit...The Martini-Klinik
Declan Murphy chats with Derya Tilki about Martini-Kliniks ongoing research activities and assists Tobias Maurer with PSMA-radioguided surgery and talks to him about the latest findings of this therapy (Tobias Maurer's part from minute 7).
- Lymphknotenentfernung mit der Gammasonde
Patientenkongress 2020: Prof. Tobias Maurer erläutert die PSMA-radioguided Surgery.
- PSMA-radioguided Surgery
2016: BR: Eine neue Methode der Prostatakrebsrezidivbehandlung, bei der mit Hilfe von speziell entwickelten Oberflächenmarkern Kleinsttumore lokalisiert und entfernt werden.
- Lymphknotenentfernung bei Prostatakrebs
2015 BR: In diesem Videobeitrag wird gezeigt, wie metastasierte Prostatakrebszellen punktgenau lokalisiert und entfernt werden können.