We are very proud that 98 % of our patients would recommend the Martini-Klinik to friends and relatives.

Dr. Arie Schwartz traveled from New York to Hamburg for a gamma-probe guided lymph node removal.
His story
The evaluations of our guests are of great importance to us. They guarantee the transparency of our achievements and contribute to internal quality assessment. We are very proud that 98% of our guests would recommend the clinic to their friends and relatives - for us, a compliment second to none.
Prof. Dr. Hartwig Huland
Founder of the Martini-Klinik
(176) contributions
I would like to extend again my gratitude towards Prof. Graefen and the entire team of this very special hospital! Thank you very much Prof. Graefen for your professionalism and for your human and kind approach!
If you are reading this, you already know how difficult and shocking it is to be diagnosed with a prostate cancer, so I skip this part. In my case it happened at the age of 45, totally accidentally (Thanks to my great GP for the PSA test!) and without any family history, non-smoker nor other risk factors.
December 2023 – PSA – 4.7.
January and June 2024 MRIs – Lesion noted.
PSA in June going down to 3.7.
July 2024 Biopsy – Gleason score – 7 (3+4).
Did my research in Belgium and contacted Martini Klinik on recommendation by a friend. From the first contact with the team, I was already convinced that these people function on another level comparing with the other hospitals I learned about when researching my options for treatment of prostate cancer.
In August 2024 I had initial consultation with Prof. Graefen (over the phone), who explained my condition and took me through my options and recommended that I go for surgery without waiting too long. It subsequently turned out that he was totally right in his assessment.
I decided on a surgery and scheduled for 18.09.2024.
The day before the surgery, you are received by the admitting urologist and the surgery team for tests and explanations of the process – all great professionals.
Surgery was successful and on time to allow bilateral nerve sparing without complications. Histology came out clean – meaning clean margin on all sides and cancer only within the prostate.
I must note the excellent care from all professionals (5th ward) during my one week stay. The experience they provide is as close to a nice hotel experience as it can be in the circumstances. The great care they provide was very important for me during the first 2-3 days following the surgery which can be challenging both physically and mentally. They were all very friendly and extremely competent and always there for me. Thank you!
Prof. Graefen came every day to check my condition and to help me understand how lucky I am in the given circumstances. I also advise you on using the psychological support provided – they give you useful tips and insides which you usually do not see alone. Please follow their advice and do not overdo it in the first few days.
The immediate recovery took around five days, and I was able to do 10 000 steps on day 4. The urethral catheter was removed after 6 days, and I had full continence the same day. The only difference was that I need to go more often but it improved every day and after about three months is almost as before the surgery. Erection came back on day two after the surgery, so no problems there. I soon went home and quickly recovered to condition as before the surgery – meaning sports, work etc, and everything took me around 3 months.
I had no symptoms and felt fine prior surgery, almost the same I feel after. The follow up blood PSA test came back clean – PSA can’t be detected - below detection level, meaning Martini Klinik did their job perfectly and without negative consequences for me.
I need to share this experience with you, future reader, because I know how important it was to me, reading all the positive feedback before my surgery. It gives hope and it helps in a way only someone who passed through all this can help you.
I understand it is not entirely possible but – be positive and calm, at Martini Klinik you are in the best hands for dealing with prostate cancer on this planet. They will not treat you; they will cure you.
Thank you, Martini Klinik! Thank you, Prof. Graefen!
Am 12.9.2024 jährt sich nun zum ersten Mal mein Operationstermin zur Entfernung der Prostata in der Martiniklinik. Ein guter Anlass, jetzt endlich auch in das Gästebuch zu schreiben. Die Untersuchung nach der der sorgsam durchgeführten Fusionsbiopsie in der Martiniklinik diagnostizierte bei mir einen hoch aggressiven Krebs, der guterweise noch nicht gestreut hatte. In sorgsamer Voraussicht wurde dann sehr kurzfristig ein OP Termin nach der da Vinci Methode möglich gemacht. Die sorgsam durchgeführte OP durch Prof. Salomon und sein Team und die respektvolle und würdigende Nachsorge durch ihn und die pflegenden Mitarbeitenden habe ich in sehr guter Erinnerung. Und es waren auch die kleinen Geesten, die über die angespannte Situation in der ersten 2 Tagen nach der OP mir hinweg halfen: die Wärmflasche, das Kühlkissen, die Creme für die schmerzende Schulter, der achtsame Umgang in der Nachsorge oder auch ein tröstendes Wort.
Sicher hilft in dieser schwierigen Situation auch ein eigenes, durchweg positives Denken und Fühlen sowie ein optimistisches Grundgefühl, dazu kann ich nur allen Betroffenen ermuntern.
In großer Demut und Dankbarkeit bin ich seit der OP nun bis zum heutigen Tage krebsfrei und danke heute auf diesem Wege den Mitarbeitenden auf allen meinen Stationen in der Klinik von ganzem Herzen. Ich bin froh, dass ich in Ihrer Klinik aufgenommen wurde und meine Erkrankung von Ihnen behandelt wurde. Bei Ihnen ist man in sehr guten Händen.
Alles Gute für Sie und Ihre wertvolle Arbeit am Menschen!
My history:
2021.11 psa 3.6
2023.09 psa 7.8
2024.02 psa 8.1
2024.05 psa 8.4
Fall 2023 Herlev Hospital several biopsies, no evidence of malignancy in any of the samples
Spring 2024 Herlev Hospital several biopsies, signs of malignancy in all samples Gleason 7 (4+3),
Spring 2024 consultation at Herlev, offered surgery without significant chances of nerve preservation.
A second opinion at Mølhøj Hospital with a very empathetic specialist who was of the opinion that nerve preserving operation might be possible. It was mentioned that the private Martini-Klinik Hamburg had the world's best surgeons with high skills and a very high routine.
At Martini they were very confident, that they could offer nerve-preserving surgery based on the given scanning.
In Denmark, there are 7 surgical robots spread over 6 hospitals and a total of around 1200 prostate surgeries per year. At the Martini-Klinik, they have 6 robots (https://www.martini-klinik.de/en/treatment/surgery/robotic-assisted-surgery) and about 3.000 prostate operations per year. Please also check statistic data on www.martini-klinik.de/en
My operation at the Martini-Klinik was a very positive experience. You are not a patient, you are a “guest” at the Martini-Klinik. Prof. Dr. Markus Graefen's opinion is that the "guest" should be treated as he himself wanted to be treated.
My guest visit lasted a week, preliminary examination on Tuesday, surgery on Wednesday, supervision and follow-up several times a day, leakage scan on following Tuesday and discharge on Wednesday.
I was pain-free on the 3rd day, could walk around the hospital area without difficulty/ pains from day 2 and walked 5 km on day 3. I have been completely dry and without “accidents” since day 1. Sleeps without a diaper with a single visit to the toilet through the night. 3 weeks after operation I gladly walk 6 to 8 km, it requires a siesta but otherwise it is the body that determines the exercise level. Supportive underwear with “drip pad” is recommended.
Given the circumstances then The Martini-Klinik was a fantastic experience and a big thank you to Professor Graefen and the staff on the 4th floor! There were a lot of people in the service function and a special thank you to my nurses Miss Joy Schröder, Miss Sandra Pingel and Mr. Erick de Jesus. To Mrs. Beate Jark from the administration office, thank you very much for help at planning during my preparation.
The kitchen was superb and lovely red and white wine in the lounge
Thank you very, very much.
Holte 30.07.2024
Nov 2022 PSA +10
Mar 2023 MRI – Lesion noted
July 2023 Biopsy – Gleason score - 9
Oct 2023 Obtained private MRI – no changes noted from Mar 2023
Met radiologist at CancerCare to discuss potential radiation therapy
Due to age recommended surgery
Nov 2023 Met Manitoba, Canada surgeon, instructed only open surgery available, due to location of lesion location left nerve could not be spared and second nerve may not be spared.
Dec 6, 2023 Contacted Martini Klinik to set up initial consultation – they required MRI less than 3 months old among other documents that my general practitioner and urologist provided.
Dec 13, 2023 Spoke with Toronto, Canada surgeon (asked my urologist to refer surgeon performing robotic surgery) who could not perform surgery until Mar/Apr 2024
Dec 19, 2023 Spoke with Prof Heinzer, surgeon at Martini and given the option for Jan 11, 2024 surgery with a requirement to test for certain resistant bacteria.
Jan 16, 2023 Due to a flight delay my surgery was rescheduled with Prof Graefen
Note admitting urologist performed digital exam and confirmed that lesion when GP and urologist did not detect (Martini Klinik urologist palpated prostate, uncomfortable but effective at detection)
Surgery successful, surgeon noted that he removed several layers of nerve tissue at the beginning of the surgery. Removed nominal nerve tissue that was sent to pathology with results returned before surgery ended to determine if nerve could be spared. In my case only first layer indicated traces of cancerous tissue therefore all but nominal amount of removed nerve tissue was spared.
Excellent care from all professionals for my one week stay (recommended extended stay for overseas patients). Very friendly and competent staff that were very comprehensive. I met my surgeon who took the time to discuss my case and sent a physical therapist and a psychologist (I requested) and they both provided helpful recovery recommendations and expectations.
My experience with “after sales service” was outstandingly good. My complications were dealt with speedily and competently – this was after being discharged.
Because I experienced no pain after the surgery (except some C02 gas pain clearing in the first few post surgery days – C02 used during surgery), only a little discomfort, I likely walked too much:
Jan 18: 7738 steps, Jan 19: 5552 steps, Jan 20: 5408 steps and Jan: 25 11,368 steps
Complications (I believe related to over activity) catheter removed 10 days after test date (which would normally have been removed immediately after test). Lymphatic fluid first drained into scrotum (cleared after elevating) and fluid found a path out of a “pin hole” of one of the suture lines. No fluid drained out of suture one day after returning home Jan 27 – after taking only a few steps that day.
Three weeks after surgery potency restored (utilizing recommended therapies of 5 mg Tadalafil and penis pump)
Six weeks post surgery continence slowly being restored. Essentially continent until ~ 4 p.m. and then I plan on not walking or standing much. Sitting and lying down perfectly continent. Note: 10 additional days with a catheter may be slowing return to continence. It appears sphincter gets “tired” later in the day and stops holding but that window of continence appears to become longer every day.
I began physiotherapy 4 weeks after surgery and the therapist indicated the therapy only potentially speeds up continence restoration.
In speaking with a client, he indicated that his brother who resides in southern Germany, was diagnosed with prostate cancer by his urologist. Because his brother’s urologist was also a close friend he declined to operate on him and instead recommended he take the trek to Hamburg to the Martini Klinik and that is when I decided it was worth the trip to go to a place that had such a high recommendation. I found my fellow patients very friendly –1/3 of them were physicians themselves, further indication that this clinic is the best of the best. My surgeon shared that the nerve sparing surgeons are a community that know each other well and he indicated that a Florida surgeon is also very competent, however I believe the costs would be significantly higher. For those North Americans who self insure this becomes a cost/benefit analysis but because of my experience I would make the longer trip to Germany.
I have no regrets coming to this clinic and would recommend it to any active (value nerve sparing), relatively young/healthy patients (able to travel) who have the resources for the surgery.
I left the Martini-Klinik yesterday on the 12th December 2023 after 6 days of my life that went so unbelievably fast.
I am 55 had a PSA of 49 and 12 positive cores on my Biopsy.
Gleason 8, stage 3 advanced.
Thrown into unwanted education on the subject of "prostate cancer" on August 29th.
After a clear bone scan and CT scan, I finally forced myself to STOP driving myself crazy doing research and this was helped massively by the kind and knowledgeable team at the Martini klinik.
7 hours away from me, my early contact was obviously by telephone, kindess and reassurance in abundance that settled my frenetic state of mind on more than one occasion.
From the moment I checked in on 7th December until the day i checked out on the 12th ALL the staff, medical, clerical, catering, auxiliary, you name it, were kind caring and sympathetic.
The technology and means to battle cancer is important obviously BUT the support at an emotional level toward the patient is immensely important and the Martini klinik, in my experience have this totally understood and in control.
I'm so grateful to All the staff, who I encountered during my stay, too many to mention.
My surgeon, proffesor Tobias maureur was happy with how my surgery went and now I wait pathology reports.
Whatever outcomes follow on from here good or bad, I can honestly say I was very happy to have had my surgery here.
Little pain and alot of love and good care by an amazing group of people.
My journey continues on now, but I have a good platform to build on physically and emotionally.
Thank you once again Martini-klinik. ♥
A Clinic that deserves the highest rating!
After a biopsy, i was diagnosed with prostate cancer, at that time I was 47 years old. As the tumor grew, two years later surgery was performed with Robot and the prostate was removed.
I want to thank Prof. Graefen and his entire team for the professionally performed surgery. I want to thank the entire team of the Clinic, doctors, nurses, who took care of me as if I were their closest family member. I am returning to a normal, fulfilling life very quickly. PSA below detectable limit.
I have nothing but the highest praise for the Martini-Klinik in Hamburg-Eppendorf.
Anyone who is considering this Klinik for prostate surgery has likely seen the statistics (https://www.martini-klinik.de/en/klinik/outcomes): even in comparison to the best places in the world, the Martini Clinic excels and is at the top in every category of recovery from cancer survival to urinary and sexual function. They use not only the most modern and proven methods with highly trained and skilled surgeons, performing more operations per year than anywhere else, but they do so in a university research setting, recording their data, evaluating it, in decades-long studies to assess their performance, methods, surgeons, and techniques, always aiming to improve or shore up any weaknesses - which means they have few of the latter (https://eithealth.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/EIT-Health-HVC-Forum-Case-Study-Martini-Klinik.pdf).
However, what can't be measured from these external numbers and programs is how exceptional the patient care and doctor/nurse attention that goes into each and every patient. The hospital environment is of course functional and sterile when it needs to be, but they go to great lengths to make it much more "home like". The staff are incredibly supportive. They not only of course have seen just about everything that can happen in recovery for this type of surgery because of the volume of patients, but every staff member I encountered was attentive, caring, and professional to a degree I've never seen in other hospital experiences. This goes a very long way to helping the other key healing process - the patient's psychology - which affects the rest of the body as well.
For myself, my recovery has been according to their schedule - which means far in advance of recoveries expected in a general clinical setting around the world. "Knock on wood", four months out from my surgery, I can only honestly say I am both relieved and grateful to be where I am now with my body - cancer free and functional. I have my scars - body and mind - from a cancer diagnosis that of course I carry with me. But that is part of the journey, and one that the Martini Clinic made as good as can be possible with modern medicine.
I would not only recommend the Martini Clinic for prostate-related surgeries, but I would venture to say that one would be crazy not to go there if circumstances permit it. My wish is for more people to know of its existence. For foreigners like myself (I currently work in Germany), the fluent English (and other languages that are spoken) made the experience far easier as well (https://www.martini-klinik.de/en/contact).
I hope the Klinik can continue to foster this kind of care for a very long time. It is unique and special, and a great contribution to public health.
My sincere thanks to the Klinik as a whole from the food staff to the nurses and doctors, Prof. Haese (my surgeon: www.martini-klinik.de/klinik/team/faculty/prof-haese) for his exceptional work, lifetime of research and teaching and accessibility before and after surgery, Beate Jark for her overtime work in administration and helping me get answers to my many medical and non-medical questions, and the many nurses during the day and at night who responded to my post-surgery needs and issues. It's a huge team effort and they all deserve a gold medal (https://www.martini-klinik.de/klinik/team/pflege-team).
…I want to thank Professor Dr. Steuber and the whole MARTINI-KLINIK-TEAM
for giving me hope in this very difficult time.
Me and my family felt very lucky and humbled when I was accepted
into one of the World‘s leading prostate cancer programs.
Throughout the whole process I was kept totally informed about the ongoing procedures.
We want to thank the whole team for the empathy shown to us.
I felt wonderfully cared for!
Seven days after my prostatectomy and lymphadectomy I can confirm
It was a success!
Looking forward, we will continue to abide by the panels recommendations
on further treatments.
It goes without saying that we would highly recommend the MARTINI-KLINIK to those seeking the best medical care available.
Yours thankfully
C. und K. H. M.
I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer last autumn at 57 years old. It came as an unpleasant shock “out of nowhere” to disrupt my active family, social and business life. The good news was that it was treatable and potentially curable. As a scientist I submerged myself in research on treatment options and outcomes and it was during this process I came across the Martini Klinik and in particular a publication from the group detailing long term results for prostatectomies for nearly 11,000 men. The data on oncological outcome and functional outcomes was very convincing, and as I did more research I was impressed by the specialization model that the Klinik was built on resulting in deep expertise and an emphasis on a robust quality assurance program. As I live in Canada it was a little logistically daunting to plan a trip like this, but the administration at the Klinik and UKE were fabulous so I made my decision and flew to Hamburg in February. Professor Graefen (Maestro!) performed my procedure using the DaVinci robot on Feb 23rd 2023.
Everything about my stay at the Martini Klinik was fantastic. The nursing staff was as you would expect highly trained in the care of patients post prostatectomy but in addition were kind, patient (I had lots of questions), cheerful and fun! I had lots of conversations not only about my recovery, but Hamburg, bikes, music etc. The rooms were very comfortable. I had a balcony, and even in February there were sunny afternoons where it was warm enough to sit outside and read. The food, and the charming food staff, were great. The procedure day itself was excellent – although I was somewhat anxious, the pre-operative procedures were so smooth, well-run and optimized that I found myself able to relax somewhat. Afterwards, Professor Graefen came by that evening to provide a synopsis of a successful procedure and my recovery began.
On day 5 my catheter was removed and to my joy I was continent straight away. Discharged the next day and spent a week walking (slowly) around the beautiful city of Hamburg. Abdominal discomfort rather than pain, I never needed any strong pain medication. I flew back to Canada in March.
Four months on, I’m now fully recovered. I’m hiking, backpacking, cycling, going to the gym and enjoying life. I should mention that potency also returned quite quickly after the procedure, which was great!
Professor Graefen and the team at the Martini Klinik gave me my life back and preserved my quality of life. I look back on my stay at the Klinik with fondness, which under the circumstances may be surprising. Words can’t fully describe the gratitude I feel for this group of dedicated and compassionate professionals, so I’ll simply say: THANK YOU!
Dear Martini-Klinik!
I want to express my greatest appreciation for the Excellent treatment at the Martini-Klinik and surgery early February. I had been diagnosed with prostata cancer just before Christmas and Although the doctors had explained it was not aggressive, surgery was necessary. Having reviewed the statistics together with my wife, we selected the Martini-Klinik through Evidia in Norway. From the day of arrival until I left, everything was perfect. Of course big thanks to professor Heinzer for the operation, Anne Braathen who explained everything on the day of arrival, in Norwegian, and Joy Schroeder and the nurses who helped me get back on my feet. And the food was excellent! The operation was successful and now 6 weeks later I am regaining control, and I am back to work. I would highly recommend the Martini-klinik. There is Nothing more important than your health. I was impressed by the professionalism and «Ordnung muss sein»! Also, for anyone who´s reading this, pls take it seriously if you get an indication of prostata cancer. Don’t wait. I also have to thank my wife for pushing me ahead, carrying luggage back to Stavanger and nursing at home. Happy wife, happy life!
AUF Wiedersehen! Thanks again!
Best Regards
After a week in Martini-Klink I want to say a big THANK YOU to Professor Dr Graefen and his team who really take care of me on the best way!
The way you you took care of me before, under and after the operation is world class!
My expectations were high but you exceeded them.
Good food, personal service by nice nurses and an extra plus for the wine in the evening is something you even can’t dream of in Sweden.
You gave me back my life and a nice week in Germany.
Michael S from Karlsruhe Operation Dec 15. I researched many Prostate Cancer Hospitals worldwide and decided on the Martini-Klinik based on their published metrics, the total number of operations completed every year and their positive reviews. It has been nearly two months since my operation, and I am certain I made the best choice. It was obvious from the moment I arrived at the clinic that I was receiving the best care available anywhere. The entire staff is attentive, professional and have the highest standards. I want to especially recognize Professor Salomon for the excellent operation he performed. After the operation, he spoke with me on two occasions to give me important information and answer all my questions. I am certain, without any doubt, that I received the best care available from any surgeon worldwide from Professor Salomon. Cancer is serious and a heavy burden for a patient. The doctors and nurses who provide care before and after an operation are very important to the physical and mental condition of a patient. The difference between a very good hospital and an excellent hospital is based on the dedication and commitment of the entire staff. I can, without hesitation, say that the Martini-Klinik is an excellent hospital. The best of the best. The entire staff was outstanding, and I am very grateful for the wonderful care they provided. I am mentioning the following persons because I remember their respective names. Agata Price, Caroline Schuetz, Dirk Weichenhain. I do not know the family names of the following persons. Adrianna and Sebastian. Martini-Klinik, Thank you!
One of the hardest things in life is facing a cancer diagnosis. After the decision for surgery, there are concerns about what comes after it. I searched the web for a long time for information about the best prostate surgery clinics and finally decided on yours. Now I can say that it was one of the best decisions of my life. I will never forget the high level of professionalism and friendliness of the clinic staff from the time I entered the clinic to the time I left. Special thanks goes to Prof. Graefen, who performed the surgery and made it possible that I would be able to live normally after the surgery. I don’t wish anyone to go through my experience, but I will recommend your clinic to anyone who will have to deal with this disease like I did. Sincere thanks for everything.
It's now been 11 weeks since my successful surgery done by Dr. Haese. My first PSA was undetectable which is the most important. In my case I was fully continent directly after catheter removal. Still struggling with ED but things are slowly moving towards the better and according to plan. I'm of course very thankful towards Dr. Haese who was the tip of the spear during this journey. But for me it is equally important to thank all the people I met during my time at the Martini-Klinik. From the first contact with the helpful administration staff to the last nurses who helped me with the departure. Being in a foreign country and preparing for an operation whose outcome you do not know is a vulnerable situation. The days after surgery can be difficult even if the procedure was performed by a world-class surgeon. Throughout this process, the staff at the Martini-Klinik were helpful, professional and empathetic. I felt safe the whole time I was there. I also appreciated that I could talk to other patients who were in the same situation and share experiences both before and after the procedure. So many thanks to everyone I met at the Martini-Klinik for doing what was required, or in most cases, much more than that. With great gratitude. Patrik 49 years old from Sweden
I travelled 1/2 way around the world from Australia to be treated by the renowned Professer Graefen. From the moment of admission to the last day (8 days in total) nothing was left wanting.
A huge thank you to all nurses as well. I would 100% recommend the Clinic to my friends back home. This care and the procedure in nerve saving is so valuable.
Thanks so much again Professor M. Graefen.
First, to express my gratitude towards Prof. Dr. Graefen and his entire team.
Thank you very much Prof. Dr. Graefen for your professionalism and kindness. Prior surgery, I had a prostate fusion biopsy at Martini-Klinik performed by Dr. Yamini Nagaraj, who was extremely attentive and empathetic. I want to thank to Dr. med. Franziska von Breunig, anesthesiologist, who looked after me during and after the surgery with great care. Thank you also to all the nurses for their professionalism and empathy, their support was vital in the recovery after surgery. They helped me to try to become independent as soon as possible.
The second reason I wrote this review is to share my experience hoping that it would be useful for people receiving the diagnosis of prostate cancer. To be honest, when hearing the diagnosis, I was more afraid about the morbidity of the treatment than the evolution of the disease and my survival. Quality of life may be more important than life itself. I had no symptoms, I felt well, just the PSA level was increasing and eventually, no surprise that the diagnosis came like an earthquake that changed all my life and all my thoughts.
I began asking, reading and researching on the internet to find the best treatment choice for me. It was hard to decide between prostatectomy and some kind of radiotherapy. It even crossed my mind that maybe it would be better to go on with my life and to postpone the treatment. I was working and enjoying life and was horrified by the perspective of possible major changes in my life in many aspects.
Although I am a doctor, it was hard to compare the results of the different methods cited in the medical literature. I tried to find forums on this subject and the experiences I read about on there were not optimistic.
Convinced by the philosophy of the Martini-Klinik: doing one thing and doing it excellent, by their huge experience by far the largest in the world and their results, I followed Prof. Dr. Graefen recommendation and got scheduled for surgery.
Organisation was perfect. Surgery went well, with negative margin and bilateral nerve sparing. Prof. Dr. Graefen told me that everything went as planned. He answered to all my questions and he explained me in detail the postoperative histologic result. The recovery took few days and I was puzzled and amazed seeing colleagues that seemed older than me recovering even faster and walking soon after surgery in the hospital garden. The urethral catheter was removed after 5 days and after another 2 days I had fully continence and erection. Fabulous! I soon went home and in less than 3 weeks from surgery I was back to work. I felt fine prior surgery, but now I am feeling somehow better because maybe I am relieved of the diagnosis and possible post-surgery morbidity.
Even now I cannot believe how extraordinary I am feeling. Of course I am aware that it is not the same for everyone, but it can also be like this and that is why I wanted to testify. I wish you to never have medical problems, but if you are unfortunate to have prostate cancer, go to Hamburg, go to the Martini-Klinik and follow their advice. They are the best. Thank you very much!
In February 2022 I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, I had been on active surveillance for some years but now there seemed a sudden urgency. My urologist at the time had proposed Brachytherapy which he would perform but my GP urged me to seek other opinions, thankfully I did.
Following consultations with other urologists it was suggested by more than one doctor that I contact the Martini Klinik Hamburg in respect to robotic radical prostatectomy and I’m glad I did. I spent some time on their website read the reviews just as you are doing now, saw the videos and decided to call the Klinik. The onboarding team were fantastic they were friendly, helpful, patient and extremely understanding. I was sent forms to fill out and tests to do as soon as possible. Within days they had organised a telephone consultation with Professor Dr Markus Graefen and my mind was made up. I was booked in for surgery on the 8 April 2022 with Professor Dr Greafen.
The weeks leading up to me traveling to Hamburg I felt anxious and to be quiet honest down but once I got there an unexpected calmness came over me. It didn’t take long for me to realise that I arrived at a finely tuned and very well organised Klinik. Based on my experience if you are looking for a Klinik with a fantastic support team, extremely kind and caring nurses that go out of their way to comfort you, doctors,anesthesiologists and high volume surgeons that you can put your trust in I believe the Martini-Klinik Hamburg is it.
My thanks and appreciation go out to Professor Dr Graefen and his team for their great care and attention. And to you the reader, whatever you decide to do , I wish you well.
I am an American residing in the Rheinland-Pfalz who was diagnosed with prostate cancer in April of 2021. My urologist explained in detail the treatment options which were opened to me, with a particular emphasis on the care I could receive at the Martini-Klinik. She insisted: "They are the best in the world." I considered the options and decided that a radical prostatectomy at the Martini-Klinik would be the most prudent decision. My urologist put me in contact with the clinic. I was concerned that my poor command of German would be a hindrance in the organizing stages but I was relieved to find that Frau Steinhauer (my contact at the clinic) was more than adequate to the task of preparing my initial consultation. When I told her that I had not researched matters to the point of selecting a surgeon, she told me that she could do that for me. Given the clinic's reputation I felt no qualms. Within a few days of my conversation with Frau Steinhauer, I had a consultation with Prof. Dr. Graefen, who has had the time to review all of my records. We had a long conversation during which he explained the exact nature of the intervention I was about to undergo. Dr. Graefen took great pains to emphasize that the immediate accessibility of a laboratory made it possible to make informed choices as to the degree of invasiveness of the intervention. (For example should some of the lymph nodes be removed.) The professional poise of Frau Steinhauer and the calm assurance of Dr. Graefen comforted me in my choice. In late July of 2021 I checked into the clinic. All the procedures which had been described in previously received reading material were followed almost to the letter. It was clear that I was one of many patients who had been processed, yet the personnel was so friendly and attentive that I felt quite at ease and relaxed when, on the day following my admission, I underwent the operation. The day after the operation, Dr. Graefen told me that everything went very well and that I should preserve continence and potency. All I had to do was follow the direction of the staff (phenomenally kind and helpful) and wait a few days. I considered returning home before the catheter had been removed, but I thought it best to wait until I was through the full recommended treatment. That turned out to be a great decision. When I left the clinic (7 nights) I was in fine spirits and able to convey fully to Dr. Graefen and the rest of the staff how grateful I was, and remain, for all that they did for me leading up to and during my stay at the clinic. A radical prostatectomy is a procedure which sends shivers down the spine of many men. If you are shivering, contact the Martini-Klinik and give serious consideration to placing yourself in the hands of a truly magnificent collective.
I would like to thank Prof. Graefen and his entire team for an excellent experience at the Martini-Klinik in Hamburg.
Most importantly, the surgery performed by Prof. Graefen was successful for which I cannot thank him enough! In addition, Prof. Graefen provided highly valuable pre- and post-surgery advice which proved to be very reassuring and calming.
The postoperative care from each of the prostate cancer-specialized doctors, nurses and service personnel was simply outstanding, and they significantly contributed to my quick recovery. A heartfelt thank you to them for their professionalism, passion and patience!
While some hospitals release their patients after this invasive surgery already after a couple of days, the Martini-Klinik typically does it after one week which is a significant benefit versus dealing with the regular post-surgery issues alone at home.
The facility feels very intimate, personal and comfortable and - yet - has the benefit of being connected to the large Hamburg university hospital. Actually - given the great success of the Martini-Klinik - they are expanding into a new building which is currently being constructed.
The Martini-Klinik’s high degree of specialization, large number of surgeries and close tracking of results provide great confidence that its surgeons, doctors and nurses have seen any particular case attribute before and can recommend the best possible treatment available.
In summary, I can wholeheartedly recommend the Martini-Klinik - no matter where someone lives.
I would like to thank Prof. Graefen and his entire team for an excellent experience at the Martini-Klinik in Hamburg.
Most importantly, the surgery performed by Prof. Graefen was successful for which I cannot thank him enough! In addition, Prof. Graefen provided highly valuable pre- and post-surgery advice which proved to be very reassuring and calming.
The postoperative care from each of the prostate cancer-specialized doctors, nurses and service personnel was simply outstanding, and they significantly contributed to my quick recovery. A heartfelt thank you to them for their professionalism, passion and patience!
While some hospitals release their patients after this invasive surgery already after a couple of days, the Martini-Klinik typically does it after one week which is a significant benefit versus dealing with the regular post-surgery issues alone at home.
The facility feels very intimate, personal and comfortable and - yet - has the benefit of being connected to the large Hamburg university hospital. Actually - given the great success of the Martini-Klinik - they are expanding into a new building which is currently being constructed.
The Martini-Klinik’s high degree of specialization, large number of surgeries and close tracking of results provide great confidence that its surgeons, doctors and nurses have seen any particular case attribute before and can recommend the best possible treatment available.
In summary, I can wholeheartedly recommend the Martini-Klinik - no matter where someone lives.
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So many good reviews?

Are you wondering how it can be that there are hardly any bad reviews? This graph might shed some light. When they are discharged, patients throughout the university hospital are asked whether they would recommend the hospital/department. For years, the Martini Clinic has led this ranking with its three wards.

Oh what a ride!
We get a lot of great guest book entries, but this one is very unusual.
0:40 minutes