The Martini-Klinik practices and promotes collaboration across disciplines in regular interdisciplinary conferences, tumour boards and countless other daily activities that always have our patients interests at heart.

A network of expertise at the Martini-Klinik and UKE
The Martini-Klinik is not a stand-alone private clinic in the middle of the countryside. Our building is at the heart of the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE) campus. Together, we form one of the world’s largest prostate cancer centres and are embedded in the UKE’s Uro-oncological Centre for Prostate Cancer, Bladder Cancer and Kidney Cancer, which has been certified by the German Cancer Society (DKG).
This expert network differs from other major clinics in one key respect: an extended body of experts has formed around the Martini-Klinik. Thanks to the excellent collaboration we enjoy with colleagues at UKE working in general surgery, intensive-care medicine, microbiology, nuclear medicine, radiology and transfusion medicine, we offer extensive specialisation to support your treatment for prostate carcinoma.
Concentrated expertise in prostate cancer
The spectrum of services offered at the Martini-Klinik is supplemented by the expertise of a major university hospital, the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE). Our clinic is also embedded in the network of one of 14 Comprehensive Cancer Centres in Germany, the University Cancer Centre Hamburg (UCCH).
Anaesthesiology Dr. Franziska von Breunig | Psycho-oncology Dipl.-Psych. Alexander Krueger |
The Martini-Klinik is oriented towards guidelines issued by nationally and internationally recognised specialist associations. We actively contribute to efforts to refine such guidelines. Our clinic’s management team sets specific quality targets, formulated in a way that allows us to examine whether we have met them and to what degree. The Martini-Klinik is committed to providing optimal, comprehensive patient care based on the latest insights, combined with research and teaching in the field of prostate carcinoma. Patient safety is a top priority throughout the University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE). One example of this is our digital patient records, which are part of a seamless documentation system that enables us to centrally examine and prescribe medications while eliminating the risk of mix-ups.
More information about our quality measurement and in-house quality control systems