Research resources
The Martini-Klinik uses an extensive database of more than 34,000 past patients to research and develop new diagnostic and treatment methods for prostate cancer. This pool of data is one of the world’s most important databases for research projects.
Networked information: the database
Our database stores disease-related information on patients who have been diagnosed with prostate carcinoma and complies with stringent statutory requirements for data protection.
In addition to data such as the patient’s PSA level, age and precise details of their tumour diagnosis before treatment, we also record the results of the histological examination of the removed prostate. Following treatment, we are primarily interested in our patients’ quality of life, particularly given the potential risks to their potency and continence. This information remains useful to us even years after surgery and plays a decisive role in the development of new treatments. We also analyse responses regarding diet and exercise as part of our research into cancer prevention.
In addition to supporting research, the data we collect is also vital for our in-house quality control processes. In general, a consultant performing surgery will not find out what happened to their patients through the years, as their usual doctors will oversee their post-surgical care. Here at the Martini-Klinik, our surgeons use the data we collect to monitor, compare and continuously improve their treatment outcomes in terms of patients’ potency and continence. This approach, which aims to maximise patients’ wellbeing, is not standard practice anywhere else around the world.