Surgical skill and extensive experience are crucial!
The conventional method, open radical retropubic prostatectomy is a surgical method that, through decades of use, has become the standard choice for the surgical treatment of clinically localised prostate carcinoma. This surgical method has been further developed, refined and improved over the years.
All surgeons at the Martini-Klinik are globally renowned and established experts in the use of this method. Some have performed several thousand prostate surgeries. The surgeon’s expertise is a decisive factor in the quality of the nerve-sparing work, which preserves the patient’s potency, and in keeping the urethral sphincter fully intact, which preserves the patient’s continence. Many surgeons across Germany and from abroad complete training at the Martini-Klinik focusing on the surgical details we have developed, especially our methods to spare the neurovascular bundle and the urethral sphincter.
More information
Special surgical techniques used at the Martini-Klinik to preserve potency and continence
Open or robotic-assisted? An outline and comparison
Robotic-assisted surgery (da Vinci® surgical system)
The conventional method, open radical retropubic prostatectomy is a surgical method that, through decades of use, has become the standard choice for the surgical treatment of clinically localised prostate carcinoma. This surgical method has been further developed, refined and improved at the Martini-Klinik over the years. The surgeon’s expertise is a decisive factor in the quality of the nerve-sparing work, which preserves the patient’s potency, and in keeping the urethral sphincter fully intact, which preserves the patient’s continence.
When it comes to the quality of outcomes, the open method achieves equal results to the robotic-assisted surgical method (da Vinci) in terms of healing and the preservation of continence and potency.