We are very proud that 98 % of our patients would recommend the Martini-Klinik to friends and relatives.

Dr. Arie Schwartz traveled from New York to Hamburg for a gamma-probe guided lymph node removal.
His story
The evaluations of our guests are of great importance to us. They guarantee the transparency of our achievements and contribute to internal quality assessment. We are very proud that 98% of our guests would recommend the clinic to their friends and relatives - for us, a compliment second to none.
Prof. Dr. Hartwig Huland
Founder of the Martini-Klinik
(176) contributions
Der Operationserfolg (beidseitig nervenschonend, offen) war rasch wahrnehmbar: Die Entlassung ohne Katheter am sechsten Tag danach, die fast unmittelbar und umfassend wieder hergestellte Kontinenz und bald darauf das histologisch gesicherte Wissen: Der Tumor ist ganz raus!
Dankbar dafür bin ich natürlich vor allem PD Dr. Salomon, der im Vorgespräch die Ängste und die Erwartungen seines Patienten sensibel aufnahm und mich dann so operierte, "wie er selbst gerne operiert würde" (ich glaube es ihm!).
Aber die rasche Wiederherstellung verdanke ich ebenso einem außergewöhnlich motivierten Stationsteam: Reinigungskräfte, Mitarbeiter in der Pflege und Ärzte sorgen höflich, freundlich und zugewandt dafür, dass sich frisch Operierte (einschließlich anreisender Gattinnen) ein bisschen wie die Gäste einer gehobenen Pension fühlen können.
Sehr erkennbar steht hinter der Martini-Klinik ein umfassendes Konzept nicht nur medizinischer Betreuung, das von allen Mitarbeitern engagiert getragen wird.
The success of the operation (nerve-sparing on both sides, open) was quickly noticeable: discharge without a catheter on the 6th day after surgery, the almost immediate and complete return of continence, and the knowledge, histologically confirmed: the tumor had been completely removed!
I am, of course, most thankful to PD Dr. Salomon, who, in the preceding consultations, dealt sensitively with the fears and expectations of his patient, and who then performed my operation “as he would wish to be operated on himself” (I fully believe him!).
But I also owe my rapid recovery to an exceptionally motivated team on the ward: the cleaning personnel and the nurses and doctors give their care in a polite, friendly and approachable way, so that their freshly operated patients (as well as the accompanying partners) feel like guests in a sophisticated guest house.
It is obvious that the Martini Clinic is based on a, not only medical, comprehensive care concept; a concept that is supported wholeheartedly by all the very motivated staff.
Liebe Pflegerinnen und Pfleger,
für Ihre professionelle Unterstützung nach meiner Operation am 19. April 2016 möchte ich mich bei Ihnen allen ganz herzlich bedanken. Ihr Bemühen, so gut es geht wirklich nach der Operation von Tag zu Tag maximal zu helfen, weiß ich im hohen Grade zu schätzen, zumal ich sicherlich eher ein hypernervöser und schwieriger Patient war.
Aber es war nicht nur die professionelle, perfekte Pflege – es war auch die menschliche Zuwendung, das Gespräch und die deutlich werdende Grundhaltung von Ihnen, die mich so begeistert hat. Das Team als Ganzes war großartig!
Ihre Arbeit kann nicht hoch genug geschätzt werden und es gehört zu den Absurditäten des Gesundheitssystems, dass Menschen wie Sie derartig– ich denke das kann man schon aus meiner Kenntnis dieser Dinge so sagen – unterbezahlt werden.
Die Operation selbst war von Professor Graefen, der ja nun wirklich, wie man so sagt ein ‚Meister seines Faches‘ ist so durchgeführt worden, dass mir nach einer Woche rasch der Katheder entfernt werden konnte und ich seitdem absolut null Probleme oder Beschwerden habe. Besser geht es wohl nicht. Insofern auch hier sowie in Hinblick auf das ganze Ärzteteam ein herzliches Dankeschön.
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you all for your professional support following my operation on the 19th April, 2016. I really appreciate your daily efforts to provide me with the maximum help following the operation, especially as I was surely a hyper-sensitive and difficult patient.
But it was not only the professional, perfect care – it was also the very personal attention, the conversations and your fundamental approach that pervaded, which delighted me. The team worked as one marvellous unit!
Your work cannot be appreciated highly enough, and it is one of the absurdities of the health system that people such as yourselves – and I believe my knowledge of these things allows me to make a judgement – are underpaid.
The operation itself, carried out by Prof. Graefen, who is, as one would say, “a master of his art”, was such that the catheter was removed within a week, and since then I have had no problems or complaints. It couldn’t have gone better. Once again, my sincere thanks with regard to this and to the whole team of doctors.
Liebe Pflegerinnen und Pfleger,
für Ihre professionelle Unterstützung nach meiner Operation am 19. April 2016 möchte ich mich bei Ihnen allen ganz herzlich bedanken. Ihr Bemühen, so gut es geht wirklich nach der Operation von Tag zu Tag maximal zu helfen, weiß ich im hohen Grade zu schätzen, zumal ich sicherlich eher ein hypernervöser und schwieriger Patient war.
Aber es war nicht nur die professionelle, perfekte Pflege – es war auch die menschliche Zuwendung, das Gespräch und die deutlich werdende Grundhaltung von Ihnen, die mich so begeistert hat. Das Team als Ganzes war großartig!
Ihre Arbeit kann nicht hoch genug geschätzt werden und es gehört zu den Absurditäten des Gesundheitssystems, dass Menschen wie Sie derartig– ich denke das kann man schon aus meiner Kenntnis dieser Dinge so sagen – unterbezahlt werden.
Die Operation selbst war von Professor Graefen, der ja nun wirklich, wie man so sagt ein ‚Meister seines Faches‘ ist so durchgeführt worden, dass mir nach einer Woche rasch der Katheder entfernt werden konnte und ich seitdem absolut null Probleme oder Beschwerden habe. Besser geht es wohl nicht. Insofern auch hier sowie in Hinblick auf das ganze Ärzteteam ein herzliches Dankeschön.
I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to you all for your professional support following my operation on the 19th April, 2016. I really appreciate your daily efforts to provide me with the maximum help following the operation, especially as I was surely a hyper-sensitive and difficult patient.
But it was not only the professional, perfect care – it was also the very personal attention, the conversations and your fundamental approach that pervaded, which delighted me. The team worked as one marvellous unit!
Your work cannot be appreciated highly enough, and it is one of the absurdities of the health system that people such as yourselves – and I believe my knowledge of these things allows me to make a judgement – are underpaid.
The operation itself, carried out by Prof. Graefen, who is, as one would say, “a master of his art”, was such that the catheter was removed within a week, and since then I have had no problems or complaints. It couldn’t have gone better. Once again, my sincere thanks with regard to this and to the whole team of doctors.
I (55 years old) was on a yearly control at Aleris in Trondheim, Norway in January 2016. The PSA had increased from 2,5 to 4,6 since last year. A new PSA test two weeks later showed the same level of PSA. The next step was than to take an ultrasound, also at Aleris in Trondheim. They did not see anything on this check. We then decided to take an MR at Aleris in Oslo, which has the only private Cancer Diagnosis Centre in Norway. They saw something on the MR, and took a biopsy the same day. After a short period of time I had a meeting with oncologist Marius Normann at Aleris, and together we decided that a radical prostatectomy by the da Vinci method at Martini-Klinik was the best solution for me.
It was no hurry, and I “booked” a date for the operation which was best for me and my employer on the 13th of April 2016.
The evening after the operation, Professor Alexander Haese, told me it had been possible to preserve all important functions. The catheter was removed the day before I left the clinic, and in this respect my situation has remarkably improved from day to day. It was Hamburg Marathon the same weekend and I wanted to take a walk to see all the people running for “life”.
I don’t think you want to be so long way from the toilet the first day after removing the catheter, Alexander told me. I did not listen on that ear and walked slowly for almost two hours without any pain and any need for any trip to the toilet. Now, 10 days after the operation, I am in good shape again. I take a “long” walk each day and am happy with the improvements from day to day. I am able to do my work as a business controller in a large IT company and look forward to recover slowly, but be in as good fit as possible the summer holidays of 2016. I plan to take part in the Hamburg Marathon in 2017. Wonderful city. To be in good shape before surgery is a smart “decision”.
The 21st of April, I received a telephone call from Alexander: the cancer had been entirely removed and no need for extra treatment. Only 10 days after the surgery, I can confirm that there will not be any problem with bladder control or erection.
I thank Professor Alexander Haese and his team for the excellent medical work and for being there for me with a smile and laugh when I most needed it. I focused as little as possible on cancer and all possible results from the surgery. The best way for ME to handle the situation was with smile and much laughing. What can I do? With the absolutely best to operate on me, I was sure this was going to go as well as possible.
One of the best, was perhaps that one felt that everyone really cared about you and had plenty of time to talk to you and make certain that this would go well.
It was good for me to have people like Julia, Olaf, Marianne, Jasmin, Dimitra ++ to talk to and laugh together with. Thank you for all the advices (curious and asked a lot), always smiling and many good hugs. Love you all. I miss you all. ( I really do). You are fortunate to have a job that means so much to many.
I recommend the Martini-klinik, without exception.
I (55 years old) was on a yearly control at Aleris in Trondheim, Norway in January 2016. The PSA had increased from 2,5 to 4,6 since last year. A new PSA test two weeks later showed the same level of PSA. The next step was than to take an ultrasound, also at Aleris in Trondheim. They did not see anything on this check. We then decided to take an MR at Aleris in Oslo, which has the only private Cancer Diagnosis Centre in Norway. They saw something on the MR, and took a biopsy the same day. After a short period of time I had a meeting with oncologist Marius Normann at Aleris, and together we decided that a radical prostatectomy by the da Vinci method at Martini-Klinik was the best solution for me.
It was no hurry, and I “booked” a date for the operation which was best for me and my employer on the 13th of April 2016.
The evening after the operation, Professor Alexander Haese, told me it had been possible to preserve all important functions. The catheter was removed the day before I left the clinic, and in this respect my situation has remarkably improved from day to day. It was Hamburg Marathon the same weekend and I wanted to take a walk to see all the people running for “life”.
I don’t think you want to be so long way from the toilet the first day after removing the catheter, Alexander told me. I did not listen on that ear and walked slowly for almost two hours without any pain and any need for any trip to the toilet. Now, 10 days after the operation, I am in good shape again. I take a “long” walk each day and am happy with the improvements from day to day. I am able to do my work as a business controller in a large IT company and look forward to recover slowly, but be in as good fit as possible the summer holidays of 2016. I plan to take part in the Hamburg Marathon in 2017. Wonderful city. To be in good shape before surgery is a smart “decision”.
The 21st of April, I received a telephone call from Alexander: the cancer had been entirely removed and no need for extra treatment. Only 10 days after the surgery, I can confirm that there will not be any problem with bladder control or erection.
I thank Professor Alexander Haese and his team for the excellent medical work and for being there for me with a smile and laugh when I most needed it. I focused as little as possible on cancer and all possible results from the surgery. The best way for ME to handle the situation was with smile and much laughing. What can I do? With the absolutely best to operate on me, I was sure this was going to go as well as possible.
One of the best, was perhaps that one felt that everyone really cared about you and had plenty of time to talk to you and make certain that this would go well.
It was good for me to have people like Julia, Olaf, Marianne, Jasmin, Dimitra ++ to talk to and laugh together with. Thank you for all the advices (curious and asked a lot), always smiling and many good hugs. Love you all. I miss you all. ( I really do). You are fortunate to have a job that means so much to many.
I recommend the Martini-klinik, without exception.
Es begann in 2007 mit PSA 5,6 eine Zeit der Unsicherheit, des Verdrängens, der Angst vor Prostatakrebs.
2008 dann ein PSA von 6,7 und die erste Biopsie mit negativem Befund und weiter beobachten.
2013 PSA 9,9, ich war noch nicht bereit für eine OP, aber ich hatte schon von der Martini-Klinik gehört.
August 2015 meine Frau erinnerte mich mit Nachdruck an die Prostata-Vorsorge und das Ergebnis war PSA 13,2. Die Suche nach der richtigen Methode führte mich zur HIFU-Technik oder Bestrahlung als "gute" Alternative zur Entfernung der Prostata. Der sehr angenehme erste Kontakt mit der Martini-Klinik veranlasste mich zunächst am 02.09.15 eine MRT in der Uni-Klinik Eppendorf durchführen zu lassen. Ergebnis positiv mit der Aufgabe, eine Biopsie durchführen zu lassen.
Die Biopsie fand am 27.10.15 in der Martini-Klinik statt. Nach dem unangenehmen Erlebnis meiner Biopsie in 2008 bin ich Frau Linse und Herrn Kühne sehr dankbar für die liebenswerte Behandlung. Es wurden bei 17 Stanzen 2 positive Werte gefunden. Gleason 3+4 mit dem Ergebnis, dass eine OP erforderlich sei. Die Operation mit der da Vinci-Methode wurde von Herrn Prof. Dr. Haese am 01.12.2015 durchgeführt. Es konnte nerverhaltend operiert werden und das Ergebnis war sehr gut. Alle Krebsbereiche wurden entfernt, nur mein Gewebe im Bereich des Harnleiters war brüchig. Aber dank Prof. Haese ist das Ergebnis heute sehr gut. Ich danke ihm auch für die sympatischen Gespräche und umfangreichen Informationen. Leider musste ich wegen des Harnleiters den Katheter 4 Wochen tragen und wurde erst am 04.01.2016 sehr liebevoll und mit vielen netten Informationen davon befreit.
Ich bin in Gesprächen immer noch begeistert von dem gesamten Team der Martini-Klink und kann jedem Betroffenen nur empfehlen dort hinzugehen.
Nach 4 Monaten ist die Kontinenz nahezu perfekt. Kaum Aufstehen in der Nacht und der Drang hat nachgelassen.
Mein Urologe in Kassel ist auch zufrieden mit dem gesamten Ergebnis.
Vielen Dank an das gesamte Team und erhaltet Euch allen die Hamburger "unaufgeregte Freundlichkeit".
Jürgen H.
It began in 2007 with a PSA value of 5.6, a period of uncertainty, suppression and fear of prostate cancer.
2008 - a PSA value of 6.7 and the first biopsy with a negative result, with an indication for regular monitoring.
2013 - a PSA of 9.9, I was not ready for an operation, but I had already heard of the Martini Clinic.
In August 2015, my wife insistently reminded me of my prostate check-up, at which the PSA was 13.2. My search for the right method led me to the HIFU technique or radiation therapy as “good” alternatives to removal of the prostate.
My very pleasant first contact with the Martini Clinic prompted me initially to have an MRI at the University Medical Center Eppendorf on the 02.09.2015.The result was positive and I therefore had to undergo a biopsy.
The biopsy took place on the 27.10.15 at the Martini Clinic. After the unpleasant experience with my last biopsy in 2008, I am very thankful to Mrs Linse and Mr. Kühne for their very kind treatment. Of the 17 punch samples, 2 were positive. The Gleason score of 3+4 meant that an operation was necessary.
Prof. Dr. Haese carried out the operation on the 01.12.15 using the Da Vinci method. It was possible to spare the nerves and the result was very good. All cancerous tissue was removed; only the tissue surrounding the ureter was no longer intact, but thanks to Prof. Haese, the result is now very good. I also thank him for his sympathetic consultations and the comprehensive information he gave me.
Unfortunately, due to the state of the ureter, I had to wear a catheter for 4 weeks, which was then very gently removed on the 04.01.2016, accompanied by a lot of useful information.
In conversations I still get enthusiastic about the whole team at the Martini Clinic, and I can only recommend that anyone in a similar situation go there.
4 months have passed and my continence is almost perfect. I hardly have to get up at night, and the urge to urinate has eased.
My urologist in Kassel is also satisfied with the overall result.
Many thanks to the whole team, and please keep your typical Hamburg “calm friendliness”.
Jürgen H.
Liebe Mitarbeiter der Martini-Klinik,
sollte es eine Auszeichnung für Patientenzufriedenheit geben, Sie hätten diese verdient.
Sie alle leben den Grundsatz "sage was du tust und tue was du sagst" tagtäglich.
Dahinter steht eine Klinik-/Patientenphilosophie die ihres Gleichen sucht.
Mein Dank gilt dem Team der Prostatasprechstunde, dem Team der Station 4 sowie dem OP-Team um Frau Prof. Dr. D. Tilki.
Ich habe mich vom ersten Tag auf der Station 4 bis zu meiner Entlassung von den Mitarbeitern und Mitarbeiterinnen hervorragend behandelt gefühlt.
Vielen Dank und Gruß,
Gerhard Thom
Dear Martini Clinic staff,
if there were an award for patient satisfaction, you would win it.
Every day you all conduct your lives according to the principle
“Say what you do and do what you say.”
This is based on a clinic/patient philosophy that is without equal.
My thanks go to the staff of the prostate consulting hour, the team on Ward 4, and to Dr. Tilki’s surgical team.
I was treated excellently by all the staff from my first day on Ward 4 until my discharge,
Many thanks and greetings,
Gerhard Thom
Liebes Klinik Team,
ich spreche hier bewusst nicht nur über meinen Prof. Dr. Haese an, sondern das gesamte TEAM.
Meine Erfahrungen in der Klinik möchte ich gerne den nächsten Patienten mitteilen.
Das Team, Note1
Mein Professor, Note 1
Die Behandlung, Note 1
Die Aufklärung, Note 1
Das Ergebnis, Note 1
Kurz gesagt, ich fand nichts, was ich als Note 2 hier niederschreiben konnte.
Danke, für all eure Mühe, euer Wissen und eure Geduld,
Dear Martini Clinic Team,
I am deliberately addressing this message not only to Professor Dr. Haese, but to the whole TEAM. I very much want to share my experiences at the clinic with the your next patients.
Team 1
My Professor 1
Treatment 1
Consultation 1
Result 1
In short, I could find nothing to mention here that would deserve a Grade 2.
Thank you for all your efforts, your knowledge and your patience, thank you.
Vom 11. bis zum 17. Februar war ich als Patient in der Martini-Klinik in Behandlung. Dem Personal und der Einrichtung auf Station 1 muss ich dabei meine höchste Anerkennung aussprechen.
Die Einrichtung selbst bietet neben den angenehm klein gehaltenen Zimmern (1- bis 2-Bett-Zimmer) eine schöne Ausstattung mit Balkon, Fernsehen/Radio und einem eigens eingerichteten Erfrischungsraum für die Patienten und deren Besucher.
Die vom behandelnden Team mir gegenüber erbrachten Leistungen möchte ich ganz besonders hervorheben. Meinen größten Dank spreche ich dabei dem behandelnden Arzt, Herrn Doktor Michel, aus. Als Fußballfan möchte ich es so ausdrücken: Was Messi auf dem Platz ist, ist Herr Dr. Michel im OP. Dank seiner hervorragenden medizinischen und operativen Fähigkeiten verliefen sowohl die Operation als auch die postoperative Rekonvaleszenz ohne irgendwelche Probleme. In der ersten Phase nach der Operation hatte ich stets das Gefühl, rundherum professionell versorgt und informiert zu werden. Die Teilhabe des Patienten am Behandlungs- und Genesungsprozess war eine willkommene Selbstverständlichkeit. Das Auftreten des gesamten Personals den Patienten gegenüber war immer freundlich, geduldig und hilfsbereit.
Insgesamt kann ich der Einrichtung und dem Personal gegenüber nur das höchste Lob aussprechen und wünsche den behandelnden Ärzten und dem gesamten Team der Martini-Klinik auch weiterhin alles Ärzteglück und allzeit frohes Gelingen.
From the 11-17 of February I was a patient at the Martini Clinic. I would like to express my highest recognition of the personnel and facilities on Ward 1.
Apart from the pleasantly small rooms (only single or double bedrooms), the facilities are attractively fitted with a balcony, TV/radio and a specially equipped room for refreshments for patients and visitors. I would like to make a special mention of the performance of the team that treated me. My greatest thanks go to Dr. Michel, my attending physician. As a football fan, I would put it like this: Messi’s performance on the pitch is the equivalent of Dr. Michel’s performance in the operating theater. Thanks to his medical and surgical expertise, no problems arose, either during the operation or the postoperative reconvalescence. In the first phase following the operation, I constantly felt I was cared for all-round and kept informed at all times in a professional manner. The matter of fact involvement of the patient in the treatment and healing process was very welcome. The demeanor of the clinic staff towards the patients was at all times friendly, patient and helpful.
All in all, I can only highly commend the clinic facility and the staff, and I wish the doctors and all of the whole Martinic Clinic team “doctor’s luck” and continuing success in the future.
Wer mit einer (Prostata)- Krebserkrankung konfrontiert ist, befindet sich in einer physischen und psychischen Sondersituation. Dieser Sondersituation gerecht zu werden und den unbedingten Kampf gegen den Krebs aufzunehmen hat sich das Team der Martini-Klinik verschrieben. Dort wird in absolut professioneller Weise dieser Kampf geführt, indem die besten Operateure nach den neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen mit einem breitem Erfahrungsspektrum operieren, indem ein unbedingt qualifiziertes, freundliches und hoch motiviertes Betreuungspersonal immer für die Patienten zur Verfügung steht.
Mein Dank gilt dem gesamten Team, das mir sehr geholfen hat; und man kann nur fordern: "Schafft mehr der Martini-Kliniken!"
Anyone confronted with (prostate) cancer finds themselves in an exceptional physical and psychological situation. The team at the Martini Clinic team is dedicated to dealing with this exceptional situation and to an unconditional fight against cancer. This fight is carried out in a most professional way, involving the best surgeons with wide operative experience, who operate according to the latest scientific findings, and with highly qualified, friendly and highly motivated carers, who are always available to the patient.
My thanks go to the whole team, who were a great help to me; one can therefore only demand: “Create more Martini Clinics!”
Liebes Martini-Team,
vom 24.03.16 bis zum 29.03.16 war ich bei Ihnen in der Klinik auf Station 4. Ich wurde an der Prostata operiert, da ich Prostatakrebs hatte. Die OP hat Dr. Salomon durchgeführt. Es ist alles gut gelaufen. Ich möchte mich auf diesem Wege beim ganzen Martini-Team für alles Bedanken. Ihr seid ein Superteam und das ist eine Superklinik. Ich werde Euch weiter empfehlen.
Herzliche Grüße
Andreas Flejszer
Dear Martini Clinic Team,
I was a patient on Ward 4 of your Clinic from the 24.03. to the 29.03.2016. I had to undergo an operation on the prostate as I had prostate cancer. Dr. Salomon performed the operation. Everything went well. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the Martini Clinic team for everything. You are a “super team” and it is a “super clinic”. I will definitely recommend you.
Warmest regards
Andreas Flejszer
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So many good reviews?

Are you wondering how it can be that there are hardly any bad reviews? This graph might shed some light. When they are discharged, patients throughout the university hospital are asked whether they would recommend the hospital/department. For years, the Martini Clinic has led this ranking with its three wards.

Oh what a ride!
We get a lot of great guest book entries, but this one is very unusual.
0:40 minutes